Jazz Blues Arpeggio
This lesson contains five free guitar studies for beginners that outline the use of arpeggios over a Bb jazz blues progression. There are different kinds of jazz blues progressions. The one that is used in this eBook is built with a secondary dominant (VI7), a passing diminished (#IVdim7) and a turnaround (I7, VI7, iim7, V7).

There are many ways of using arpeggios over a jazz blues chord changes. This lessons focuses on the basics, that is to say that we will be playing :
- Diminished triads over the VI7b9 chord.
- Major triads over the I7 chord.
- Minor triads over the iim7 chord.
- Dominant (7, 9, 13) arpeggios over the dominant chords (I7, IV7 and V7).
- Minor arpeggios (m7 and m9) over the minor chord (iim7).
- Diminished arpeggios over the diminished chord (#IVdim7) and the dominant flat 9 chord (VI7).

- Start at a slow tempo and practice with a metronome as you increase the speed over time.
- Sing the root for each chord as you play through the progression.
- Memorize the study, taking the music off the page and into your ears.
- Play each study in different keys.
Jazz Blues Arpeggio Study – Part 1

Jazz Blues Arpeggio Study – Part 2

Jazz Blues (Arpeggio) Study – Part 3

Jazz Blues (Arpeggio) Study – Part 4

Jazz Blues (Arpeggio) Study – Part 5