download Ample Metal Eclipse, please follow these general steps:
- Visit the official website of Ample Sound or an authorized retailer that offers the virtual instrument.
- Locate the product page for Ample Metal Eclipse on the website.
- Select the version of Ample Metal Eclipse that is compatible with your operating system (Windows or macOS) and the plugin format supported by your digital audio workstation (DAW) (VST, AU, AAX, etc.).
- Add Ample Metal Eclipse to your cart or choose the purchase option.
- Proceed to the checkout and complete the payment process. Make sure to provide accurate information during the purchase.
- After a successful payment, you will receive a confirmation email containing instructions and a download link for Ample Metal Eclipse.
- Click on the download link provided in the email to initiate the download.
- Once the download is complete, locate the downloaded file on your computer.
- If the downloaded file is in a compressed format (such as ZIP or RAR), extract its contents using an extraction tool (e.g., WinRAR or 7-Zip).
- Run the installer file that you obtained from the download. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Ample Metal Eclipse on your computer.
- During the installation process, you may be prompted to choose the installation location and specify the plugin folder for your DAW. Make the appropriate selections based on your preferences and DAW setup.
- After the installation is complete, launch your DAW.
- In your DAW, locate the plugin manager or plugin menu and scan for new plugins or manually add Ample Metal Eclipse to your list of available plugins.
- Once Ample Metal Eclipse is successfully added to your DAW, you can start using it in your projects by creating a new instrument track and loading the plugin.

Features Of Ample Metal Eclipse
Ample Metal Eclipse is a powerful virtual instrument designed specifically for creating heavy and aggressive guitar sounds in metal and rock music productions. With its extensive sample library, advanced features, and customizable options, Ample Metal Eclipse provides users with a versatile tool for achieving realistic and high-quality metal guitar tones.
At the core of Ample Metal Eclipse is a meticulously sampled collection of sounds from a high-quality electric guitar. The samples capture the raw and aggressive nature of a heavily distorted guitar, allowing users to emulate the signature tones found in metal and rock genres.
One of the key features of Ample Metal Eclipse is its comprehensive selection of playing techniques and articulations. The instrument covers a wide range of techniques, including palm-muted chugs, power chords, pinch harmonics, slides, bends, tremolo picking, and more. These techniques are essential for creating authentic and expressive metal guitar performances.
Ample Metal Eclipse offers a versatile and customizable strumming engine that allows users to create realistic and dynamic strumming patterns. Users can adjust strumming speed, direction, and complexity, as well as control dynamics and accentuation. The strumming engine provides a variety of patterns and options, allowing users to craft intricate and aggressive guitar rhythms.
To enhance the realism of the instrument, Ample Metal Eclipse provides advanced humanization options. These options include timing and velocity variation, as well as the ability to introduce subtle imperfections and nuances into the guitar performance. These humanization features ensure that the virtual instrument produces natural and organic guitar sounds.
Ample Metal Eclipse offers extensive customization options to shape the guitar’s tone to suit the user’s preferences. Users can adjust parameters such as pickup selection, pickup blending, tone controls, and amplifier settings. This level of customization allows users to achieve a wide range of metal guitar tones, from tight and aggressive to warm and saturated.
The instrument provides multiple microphone options, allowing users to blend different microphone perspectives and achieve their desired sound. Users can choose between close, mid, and room microphones, as well as adjust microphone positions and mix levels. This flexibility in microphone placement ensures that users can tailor the instrument’s sound to fit their mix and production needs.
Ample Metal Eclipse includes a comprehensive set of effects to further shape and enhance the guitar’s sound. These effects include distortion, compression, EQ, delay, reverb, and more. Users can customize and stack multiple effects to create their desired metal guitar tone, adding depth, character, and atmosphere to their productions.
In terms of playability, Ample Metal Eclipse is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. It offers various playing modes, including solo mode for melodic lines and chord mode for rhythm playing. The fretboard display provides visual feedback, indicating finger positions and fret positions in real-time. The instrument also supports MIDI controllers, allowing users to perform and record their guitar parts with enhanced expressiveness.
Ample Metal Eclipse seamlessly integrates with major digital audio workstations (DAWs) and supports various plugin formats, such as VST, AU, and AAX. This compatibility ensures that users can easily incorporate the virtual instrument into their preferred production environment. The instrument also provides comprehensive MIDI mapping, enabling users to assign custom controllers and automate parameters within their DAW setup.
Additional features of Ample Metal Eclipse include:
- Articulation and expression keyswitches: Users can trigger specific articulations and expressions using keyswitches, providing quick access to a wide range of playing techniques.
- Advanced vibrato and tremolo controls: Ample Metal Eclipse offers adjustable vibrato and tremolo parameters, allowing users to add expressive and dynamic vibrato and tremolo effects to their guitar performances.
- Chord library and voicing customization: The instrument includes a chord library with a variety of chord voicings suitable for metal and rock music. Users can also customize and create their own chord voicings, providing flexibility in chord progression and rhythm guitar arrangements.
- MIDI drag and drop: Users can export their guitar performances as MIDI files, allowing for easy integration with other virtual instruments or hardware synths. The drag-and-drop feature simplifies the process of transferring MIDI data to different tracks or projects.
- Multiple guitar techniques and performance options: Ample Metal Eclipse offers a range of guitar techniques and performance options, including legato slides, harmonics, and different playing styles (e.g., muted, palm-muted, open). These options provide users with a wide palette of possibilities for creating diverse and authentic metal guitar parts.
- MIDI grooves and patterns: The instrument includes a library of MIDI grooves and patterns specifically tailored for metal and rock genres. These pre-recorded MIDI sequences can be easily applied to guitar parts, providing instant inspiration and a starting point for compositions.
How To Download Ample Metal Eclipse?
Visit the official website of Ample Sound or an authorized retailer that offers the virtual instrument.
How To Install Ample Metal Eclipse?
Locate the downloaded installation file for Ample Metal Eclipse on your computer. This file is typically in the form of a compressed archive, such as a ZIP or RAR file.