The Locrian Bebop Scale | Best Guitar Diagrams and Patterns 2022

Locrian Bebop Scale

The Locrian bebop scale is made up of eight notes, it’s an octatonic scale. The formula is 1 – b2 – b3 – 4 – b5 – 5 – b6 – b7. This is the Locrian mode with a passing tone (5) between the flat five (b5) and the minor sixth (b6). This scale is commonly played over m7b5 chords but it can be a good choice when you want to improvise over dominant chords as explained below.

The Dorian #4 Mode Altered Dorian Best shapes

Dorian #4

On this page, you find several fretboard diagrams for the Dorian #4 scale, with box and 3 notes per string patterns. This scale is also called Lydian Minor scale.
The Dorian #4 Scale scale is made up of the Root, Major Second, Minor Third, Augmented Fourth, Perfect Fifth, Major Sixth, and Minor Seventh
The D Dorian #4 Scale scale is made up of the notes D, E, F, G#, A, B, C