What’s the Locrian Bebop Scale?
The Locrian (bebop) scale is made up of eight notes, it’s an octatonic scale. The formula is 1 – b2 – b3 – 4 – b5 – 5 – b6 – b7. This is the Locrian mode with a passing tone (5) between the flat five (b5) and the minor sixth (b6). This scale is commonly played over m7b5 chords but it can be a good choice when you want to improvise over dominant chords as explained below.
Relation With the Dominant Bebop Scale
The dominant bebop scale contains the same notes as the Locrian bebop scale. It means that you can play the Locrian bebop scale starting on the third of a dominant 7 chord. For example, over G7 play B Locrian bebop.