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Song: Paradis’e
Band: Coldplay
Language: English
Paradise Guitar Chords by Coldplay
Verse 2
These known chords are used in this song.

Upper Structure Triads For Easy Guitar – Lesson With Charts and Tabs 2@22
This guitar lesson discusses a very useful way to come out new colors to your soloing or comping ideas called “Upper-structure Triads. This technique consists of superimposing triads to highlight extended notes of minor, major and dominant chords. Upper Structure…
Differences Between The Romanian Major Scale and Minor Scale – Easy Guitar Diagrams And Charts 2@22
The Romanian Major Scale is built of the following sequence of half (H) and whole steps (W) : H – H+W – W – H – W – H -…
The Romanian Minor Scale For Easy Guitar – Diagrams, Theory And Charts 2@22
The Romanian minor scale is actually the fourth mode of the harmonic minor scale named Dorian #11. It is spelled 1 (tonic) – 2 (major second) – b3 (minor third)…
Diminished Scale | Half-Whole and Whole-Half | Easy Guitar Lesson With Diagrams & Licks 2@22
There are two modes depending on whether we start to play with the whole tone, in that case we will call it ” fully diminished (scale) ” (also called Whole-half…
The Tritone Scale – Easy Shapes, Charts and Theory For Guitar 2@22
The tritone scale is a synthetic scale and also regarded as being a symmetrical scale, because it is built with two same patterns made of one minor second + one…