Table of Contents

Song: Paradis’e
Band: Coldplay
Language: English
Paradise Guitar Chords by Coldplay
Verse 2
These known chords are used in this song.

Harmonization of the Melodic Minor Scale – Best Chord Shapes and Theory 2@22
In this lesson we will see how to harmonize the melodic minor scale in thirds with seventh chords. In other words we will see how to build seventh chords by stacking thirds from each degree of the melodic minor scale.
Hexatonic Scales Guitar – Blues, Augmented, Whole Tone, Tritone and Prometheus Scales – Easy Theory and Diagrams 2022
Hexatonic scales are made of six notes, even if you can get them from any pentatonic scale (by adding one note) or diatonic scale (by removing one note), the most…
Natural Minor Scale Harmonization – Easy Guitar Theory Lesson 2022
This guitar theory lesson covers a very important topic that any musician must know : How To Harmonize The Natural Minor Scale? In other words, you will learn how to…
Differences Between Maj9, add9 and 9 Chords – Music Theory For Guitar With Easy Charts And Neck Diagrams
First, keep in mind that these three types of chords are built based of a major triad containing : root (R), major third (3) and perfect fifth (5). If you…
Tetrad Chords / Seventh Chords – Music Theory with Easy Guitar Shapes 2022
A basic chord is built with three notes this is what we call “triad chords” or “triads”. Tetrad chords are “four note-chords” are simply chords containing four notes, “tetra“ is…