What’s the Mixolydian b6 mode ?
The Mixolydian (b6) mode aka Mixolydian b13, As its name tells it is precisely the Mixolydian mode with a minor sixth (b13). It is sometimes called Aeolian dominant because it is built with the same notes as the Aeolian scale (sixth mode of the major scale) but with a major third (3) instead of a minor third (b3).
How is Built The Mixolydianb6(13) Mode?
The Mixolydian(b6) scale is also known as Hindu scale and belongs to the group of Indian scales. The formula is 1 -2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – b6 – b7. The Mixolydian b6 scale is generally played over a dominant chord (7b6) resolving to a tonic minor chord, G7b6 to Dm7 .
Mixolydian(b6(13) Guitar Shapes
The diagrams below show how looks the Mixolydian(b6) scale on the guitar neck.
Mixolydian(b6) guitar diagrams