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Song: Ishaara
Singer: Armaan Malik
Music: Amaal Mallik
Lyrics: Rashmi Virag
Movie: Force 2
Release Date: November 18, 2016
Language: Hindi
Country: India
Ishaara Guitar Chords

The Altered Scale ! Best Ultimate Guitar Lesson with Diagrams 2022
The Altered Scale, sometimes referred to as Super Locrian mode,…
The Lydian Augmented Scale 2022 Best Guitar Lesson with Diagrams
The Lydian #5 otherwise called Lydian increased scale is the…
The Locrian #2 ( Aeolian b5) mode Best Scale Shapes and Diagrams
he formula is 1 2 b3 4 b5 b6 b7.…
The Mixolydian b6 Best Scale Shape and Diagram
The Mixolydian(b6) scale is also known as Hindu scale and…
Diwali 2022: तिथि, मुहूर्त, पूजा का समय, गोवर्धन, धनतेरस Big
Diwali Sunday, 23 October and ends on Wednesday, 26 October…